Concerning Cybro's Utility

Good day :raised_hand: … I was thinking how to make Cybro token more worthwhile and how it would make people want to invest in it… I thought what if we made exclusive Vaults with higher APY exclusively to holders… We keep low rate APY vaults for the public, and exclusive ones. Let’s say you’re required to hold x amount of Cybro to be able to use the vault… This is just one of my suggestions, I’m pretty sure that exclusive things will drive people to buy and hold if it’s worthwhile. For example holding giveaways occasionally from a pool of people who hold the token… etc etc! Hope you could look into this and give me a comment so I could know what you think about these proposals.


Hey @Shadow!

Thanks for bringing up this topic - it’s a really great idea!
Our roadmap already includes a feature to provide lower fees for CYBRO holders. The idea you mentioned is also on our list. We will consider implementing this feature in Q1 2025, and we may also create a public proposal for the community to vote on a set of strategies.

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You may even consider some kind of grading/scaling the fees. For example if you hold 100 cybros you pay 2 % profit fees, if you hold 1000 cybros you pay 1 % profit fees, if you hold 10 k cybros you pay 0,1% profit fee or something like that. People will be motivated to hold/buy more cybros.